Progress Report – Our New Library

In case you missed the previous announcements, we’re moving.

It’s awesome really. We’re moving across the hall into a much larger and more “hangoutable” space.

It’s been so busy moving all our books (thousands!) while keeping up with the hundreds of letters coming in for Prisoner Express, while launching a new website for, while still keeping the library open. It’s been amazing.

In a couple weeks our new bookshelves will be complete.

In early January we’re tweaking the lights as if it were an art gallery (My favorite part because bright fluorescent lights bug me).

Then we’re going to open a cafe and mix-your-own-tea-blend station. That’s right. French presses, pour overs only – because we want you to stay a while and get cozy.

Because now the library is big enough for couches.

And hang out nooks.

And even a big table for having meetings, solving problems, and sharing knowledge.

And then… at the end of January we’re going to have a grand re-opening and celebrate our new space.

So stay tuned.


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Ryan Clover-Owens

I'm on a mission to prove that we can live in a society that reconciles with our history, respects difference, cherishes the land and animals, and can create solutions to the challenges we face.