Semester Long Textbook Loans: We're Making it Happen.
We believe that education is a basic human right. Your support of the Cornell Lending Library can ensure that all have access to it.
Do you need textbooks for class? Check the lending library before ordering expensive books.
This new initiative provides free loans of textbooks to students challenged by high textbook prices. We are dedicated to improving the educational experience of low SES students by providing free semester long loans of textbooks in a lending library.
This button brings you to the spreadsheet where you can see if the book you're looking for is in stock. Any questions, call the library at 607-255-6486
Can't find what you're looking for?
It's possible that we won't have the book you're looking for this semester. But our team is collecting a list of titles requested and will get back to you ASAP so that you can plan for your courses.
And here's a link to our request form to write down titles you need.
By signing up, you'll be added to Alternatives Library email list and hear specifically about lending library efforts.
About the Durland Alternatives Library:
This small library is a bridge between Cornell and the regional library system. It's an independent Non-Profit organization, which means they do all kinds of things regular libraries can't – like running a prison correspondence program with over 4,000 members.
Browse the rest of this website to learn more about all the library has to offer – like a venue for your next event, a self-serve cafe, and more.
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