The Pollinators Corridor

The Pollinator’s Corridor, a self published graphic novel by Aaron Birk that tells “the story of three friends in their attempt to connect watersheds, city parks, and forest fragments via the corridors of flowering plants, restoring biodiversity to the streets and awakening communities to the soil beneath their feet.” They have to convince bees and…

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The Elite Consensus – George Draffan

Financial and business corporations throw millions of dollars at think tanks, lobbyists and universities, exploiting writers and artists galore. Their assignment? To twist words, gnarl symbols, sell lies, whip people into line. The Elite Consensus fingers the American Enterprise Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Heritage Foundation, and many other…

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An Unreasonable Woman – Diane Wilson

Portrait by Robert Shetterly, from his portrait series Americans Who Tell the Truth. When Diane Wilson, fourth-generation shrimp-boat captain and mother of five, learns that she lives in the most polluted county in the United States, she decides to fight back. She launches a campaign against a multibillion-dollar corporation that has been covering up spills,…

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Wump World

The Pollutians invade the Wump World and turn the green meadows into a concrete jungle. and here’s a reader review; There are a ton of children’s books written about taking care of the environment and quite frankly, most are dull and lipid, failing to capture the imagination of the reader and/or audience. THE WUMP WORLD…

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The Ecocriticism Reader

The Ecocriticism Readeris the first collection of its kind, an anthology of classic and cutting-edge writings in the rapidly emerging field of literary ecology. Exploring the relationship between literature and the physical environment, literary ecology is the study of the ways that writing both reflects and influences our interactions with the natural world. An introduction…

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